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If you do not yet understand why the entire world is becoming more and more chaotic, please take a few moments to read this. My only reason for sharing this is because I believe each person is vitally important and I care about people. What I am about to say may sound nuts to you but whoever can receive this, it was meant for you:


A golden opportunity is being extended by God to those who have not yet believed in Him. 


Jesus talked about many signs that will take place prior to His return to earth to rescue His followers and judge both the living and those who have previously died. 


Though no one except God knows when His Son, Jesus will return, there will be unprecedented global occurrences that “clue us in” prior to that event. God has said In His word, the Holy Bible:


“But understand this, that in the last days there will come times of difficulty” (2 Timothy 3:1). Should you decide to read further along in that chapter, you may eerily recognize the widespread mindset of many during the onset of these “times of difficulty”. The Bible says:


“Only fools say to themselves, ‘There is no God.’ People like that do bad and evil things. None of them do things that are good and right. The Lord is looking down from heaven. He looks at the people of the world, to see if there are any wise people among them. Is there anyone who wants to know God?” (Psalms 14:1-2)


The decision to know God is one you have to make on your own and needless to say, not a very popular idea of our day. Still, it is the most important choice you will ever make. I don’t pretend to have all of the answers, but I do believe the Holy Scriptures.  There are many, who like myself, grew up around religion, but now destain the very idea of it. My personal experience was similar to that.  


I attended “church” for many years early in life, but I was just following people and not God. I was quite religious on the outside. Yet, on the inside, I remained unchanged. I did not understand that truly embracing God was as simple as accepting the sacrifice Jesus made on the cross to pay for humanity’s sinful condition. This condition was dealt to all of us because of the first two people, Adam and Eve. Those two sinned against God when this earth was first created. The consequences of their actions was and is the disfigurement of a perfectly created planet. Before sin entered the world there was no hunger, sickness, strife, racism, death. You name it.


By the time I personally learned all of this truth, I had left home and was in my twenties. I had moved far away from my family and native surroundings in New York to Massachusetts. I was not attending any religious gatherings. At the same time, I felt empty although I was a bachelor with a great job and financial income. 


One day after work, I was sitting in my car and a guy came on the radio and explained how God wanted me to know Him personally. At that moment it was like I had an epiphany. My eyes were seemingly being opened by a stranger. I prayed and asked Jesus to come into my life. I fully surrendered to Him, admitting I was a sinner who needed Him to be my savior. This may sound insane to you, but I began to really live at that moment. Soon after, I married an amazing woman and we are still happily together after many years. I am not by any means saying that my life became perfect or pain free at any point. What I am saying is that it became complete. Everything fell into place and began to have purpose and meaning. 


I struggle in this life because of the condition of our world, same as you. But having this relationship with God provides an anchor amidst the chaos as the day of His return draws closer. Jesus said, “in the world you will have tribulation. But take heart, I have overcome the world.” You may ask, “how did Jesus overcome the world?” He overcame it 2000 years ago by coming to earth as a man to willingly die on a cross to cover the sin-debt  owed by you and I. That debt could only be paid by a completely sin-less, holy person. There was and never will be anyone else who could have done that for us besides Jesus!


The following Bible verses can guide you in understanding God’s redeeming plan for humanity, a relationship with Jesus Christ, God’s Son:


John 3:16

"For God so loved the world, that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life.”


Romans 3:23

“for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God”


Romans 6:23

“For the wages of sin is death, but the free gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.”


Romans 5:8

“but God shows his love for us in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us.”


Romans 10:9-10

“because, if you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. For with the heart one believes and is justified, and with the mouth one confesses and is saved.”


Romans 10:13

For "everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved."


When I finally received Jesus into my life, I said something to Him similar to the prayer below. But you can speak to Him in your own way in response to His holy Scriptures written above. He will listen.


Heavenly Father, I believe that Jesus Christ is Your Son, and that He died on the cross to save me from my sin. I believe that He rose again to life, and that He invites me to live forever with Him in heaven as part of Your family. Because of what Jesus has done, I ask You to forgive me of my sin and give me eternal life. I invite You to come into my heart and life. I want to trust Jesus as my Savior and follow Him as my Lord. Help me to live in a way that pleases and honors You. Amen.

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© 2025

 by Mark Clarke

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